Kitchen Ecology

This blog is an account of my efforts to implement Kitchen Ecology; strictly speaking "Local Ecology for the Cold-Climate Apartment Dweller", by which is meant "Stuff that anyone can do, if I can do it"! Please visit SUFE

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Vermicomposting Shredded Paper

Last August I built a Broom Closet Vermicomposter, and it has worked well, never more than half full.
I built a second Broom Closet Vermicomposter to serve as a receptacle for the output of my office cross-cut shredder. This provided me with a surfeit of large bales of shredded paper.
My apartment is a Carry-In Carry-Out apartment, so I built a Balcony Vermicomposter and charged it with about four gallons of material from the Broom Closet, complete with worms and eggs, and then spent the winter piling shredded paper in it.
Last weekend I opened it, and found to my delight a healthy colony of worms!
We have had a mild winter, and the worms survived.
I am now in the process of emptying the large (four square feet) balcony vermicomposter into the small (one square foot) vermicomposter to free up space on the balcony. I transfer about eight gallons a day, aerating and mixing as I go, and the material settles down in the smaller vermicomposter.


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