Kitchen Ecology

This blog is an account of my efforts to implement Kitchen Ecology; strictly speaking "Local Ecology for the Cold-Climate Apartment Dweller", by which is meant "Stuff that anyone can do, if I can do it"! Please visit SUFE

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Salad Days

Summer is upon us, and that means Iced Cappuccinos and expensive Romaine Lettuce.

Don't give up hope. Save and clean the cute clear-plastic coffee cups with their covers (large hole in top!) and start sprouting.

I obtain Mung beans from my local bulk produce store and start a fresh batch every three days. I've found that about two tablespoons do me for three days. You will experiment until you find the small cup that measures just the right amount for you.

Soak a small quantity of beans in cold water overnight. In the morning, rinse and soak for the remainder of the day. You should see the seeds germinating after 24 hours, 36 at most.

Rinse gently twice a day. By "rinse gently" I mean to flush them with fresh water and drain off. Don't hold them under a strong kitchen tap - you'll do damage to the roots that are forming.

I have found that lidded, there's enough circulation of air to promote germination. If the beans appear to be drying out, cover the lid completely.


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